Success Stories

The Case: Defendant was facing four counts of criminal offenses, including aggravated assault, battery, criminal mischief, and culpable negligence.

The maximum penalty: 12 years in prison

The Result: Extensive investigative work, in conjunction with depositions indicating the aggravated assault never happened, caused the State to drop (Nolle Prosse/Dismissed) all charges.

The Case: A client had to build a defense against charges of stalking.

The maximum penalty: 1 year in prison.

The Result: Based on skillful investigation and depositions, ZAGERLAW, PA was able to prove to the State Attorney’s Office that there was no crime committed and therefore the case was properly dismissed.

The Case: A criminal client faced thirty (30) years in prison when charged with two 2nd Degree felonies — Lewd and Lascivious Molestation, in Broward.

The Result: After a thorough review of the State’s evidence, depositions of state witnesses, and an interview with the alleged victim, there was a subsequent dismissal of all charges against the client!

The Case: A criminal client was facing an accusation of stalking in Broward and was additionally served with a Temporary Injunction.

The Result: A successful undertaking at the hearing for the Injunction Against Stalking proved that there was — in fact — no stalking, precipitating a dismissal of the Injunction! Following a deposition taken by our office from the alleged victim, the State Attorney’s Office agreed that there was no crime, prompting a dismissal of all charges!

The Case: A criminal client was charged with Possession of Alprazolam and Theft and facing six (6) years in Prison in Broward.

The Result: Thanks to the negotiation and admittance of the client into a drug treatment program and the State Attorney’s Intervention Program, he was dismissed from all charges!

The Case: A client was charged with Failure to Register as a Sex Offender.

The penalty: Defendant was facing a minimum of 21 months in prison

The Result: Based on previous experience with this type of charge, ZAGERLAW, PA., handled every one of these cases successfully for over six years and negotiated a sentence that did not require any prison time. The defendant was adjudicated and sentenced to 3 days — time served.

The Case: A criminal client charged with two 1st-degree felonies — Grand Theft and Organized Fraud in Miami faced sixty (60) years in prison.

The Result: After an extensive review of the State’s evidence and having a forensic accountant scrutinize all pertinent financial data, it was possible to prove to the State Attorney’s Office that the client could NOT have committed the crimes — causing the dismissal of all charges!

The Case: A criminal client was facing charges of domestic violence in Broward.

The Result: A follow-up, in-depth conversation with the spouse resulted in the provision of a binding statement by the individual under oath, indicating the entire incident was a misunderstanding, leading to a dismissal of the case!

The Case: A criminal client had accusations against them of Stealing State Funds, which come with a penalty of five (5) years in prison in Broward.

The Result: A comprehensive review of the facts in cooperation with the State Attorney leads to acquiescence and agreement to dismiss all charges!

The Case: A 75-year-old criminal client was facing charges of Theft from a clothing store in Broward.

The Result: Considering the circumstances, the case for Diversion was argued and received approval — resulting in a dismissal of all charges!