Get Help from the Best Child Custody Lawyers in Florida
If you are going through a divorce and have children, child custody is probably an issue you have been thinking about quite a bit. While Florida law presumes that both parents will retain custody of their children, judges have significant discretion in making child custody arrangements.
If you, as parents, cannot agree on how you will share custody, you are likely facing significant uncertainty about how the child custody court in Florida will decide the issue for you. For this reason, it is vital for people involved in disputes to retain a skilled Fort Lauderdale divorce law attorney to protect their child custody rights in Florida as soon as possible. ZAGERLAW, P.A., is the best child custody attorney in Florida to help you.
Agreeing on Child Custody Arrangements
It is always preferable for two parents to agree on how they will share child support custody rights. Mutual agreements help parents to:
– consider their schedules,
– consider the specific needs and schedules of their child; and,
– tailor their arrangement for their particular situation.
Cooperation in this manner can also set the standard for future collaboration in parenting, which can only benefit everyone involved.
As long as a proposed custody agreement is reasonable and in line with Florida law, a court will only have to approve it to resolve any custody matters.

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To set up a free and completely confidential legal consultation, call our law offices today at (954) 888-8170.

Avoid Disputes — Work with a Leading Child Custody Florida Lawyer
Not surprisingly, parents often have trouble agreeing on matters of custody, especially in the case of divorcing spouses who may be contentious and may each want to deprive the other of time with their child. In such situations, like who gets child custody while the divorce is pending, it is crucial to take a realistic look at your options.
For example, seeking sole custody or full custody is unrealistic in most cases. Going to court over the matter will be costly, emotional, and time-consuming.
Unless there are legitimate safety concerns, the best option is a voluntary negotiation aiming to come to a consensus, or other dispute resolutions to reach a custody agreement outside the courtroom.
Modification of Custody Orders
Life is constantly changing, and sometimes, custody orders that once made sense are no longer feasible or appropriate. If you want to modify your custody order, you must request a formal modification from the court. Even if two parents agree, the court must approve the changes.
If one parent wants to fight against the child custody modification, you must prove to the court that a significant change in circumstances warrants the modification. Having the representation of a skilled child custody lawyer in Florida is imperative whether you are requesting or fighting against a modification of your custody order.
Let us help you with your Child Custody needs in Fort Lauderdale, Florida!
To set up a free and completely confidential legal consultation, call our law offices today at (954) 888-8170.