Rely on Experience! We Are Your Asset Protection Lawyers
It is crucial to start planning early on for the best asset protection in Florida. We can help you navigate the legal system to ensure that all necessary legal details are handled competently and within the proper time frames. Our asset protection services include:
- Prenuptial agreements and postnuptial agreements
- Protecting assets during a second marriage
- Protecting assets in a troubled marriage or divorce
- Preserving assets to pass on to future generations
If you are searching for a Florida Asset Protection lawyer, look no further. The law office of ZAGERLAW, P.A., has extensive and sophisticated knowledge of Florida law and asset protection strategies.

Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements Attorneys
For many Florida couples, a prenuptial agreement is a prudent choice. A prenuptial agreement can help you protect premarital assets and plan for the unexpected as you enter your marriage. The attorneys at ZAGERLAW, P.A., draft and review prenuptial and postnuptial agreements. We also litigate the validity of a prenuptial agreement in a divorce for clients seeking to contest or uphold the existing agreement between the parties.
A prenuptial agreement is a contract between two people about to wed that spells out the distribution of assets in the event of divorce or death. Prenuptial agreements can vary widely, but typically the content includes provisions for division of property and spousal support upon divorce or breakup of marriage. They may also incorporate terms for the forfeiture of assets if the marriage ends due to adultery and conditions of guardianship.
A postnuptial agreement is much like a prenuptial agreement; however, it is a written contract after a couple gets married or has a civil union. Its purpose is to settle the couple’s affairs and assets in the event of a legal separation or divorce.
Pre-and-Postnuptial agreements are very complex and must be negotiated and drafted with the guidance and care of an experienced attorney. The Florida family law attorneys at ZAGERLAW, P.A., are knowledgeable and will prepare the agreements carefully so that the language is specific to protect the individual from future loss.

Put your future in the right hands!
To set up a free and completely confidential legal consultation, call our law offices today at (954) 888-8170.

We Are Your Estate Planning, Wills, and Trusts Lawyers
Your Last Will and Testament
Your Last Will is just one part of a comprehensive estate plan. If a person dies without having written a Will, they are said to have died “intestate,” and state laws will determine the distribution of your assets. Some things you should know about wills:
- A Will has no legal authority until after death. So, a Will does not help manage a person’s affairs when they are incapacitated, whether by illness or injury.
- A Will does not assist an estate with avoiding probate. A will is a legal document submitted to the probate court, so it is an “admission ticket” to probate.
- It is a good idea to nominate the guardians of your minor children in your Will if they become orphaned. All parents of children who are minors should document their choice of guardians. If you leave this to chance, you could be setting up a contentious family battle, and your children could end up with the wrong guardians.
Trusts range from simple or complex, and they serve a variety of legal, personal, investment, or tax planning purposes. At the most basic level, a trust is a legal entity with at least three parties involved: the trust-maker, the trustee (trust manager), and the trust beneficiary. Often, one person, or a married couple, represents all three parties. In the case of a revocable living trust, for example, a person may create a trust (the trust-maker) and name themselves the current trustees (trust managers) that manage the trust assets for their benefit (trust beneficiary).
There can be many advantages to establishing a trust, including avoiding probate court. If you have any questions and need to speak to an expert asset protection attorney in Florida, call us at ZAGERLAW, P.A., and we will be happy to assist you!

Powers of Attorney
A Florida power of attorney is a legal document that grants someone the capacity to act on your behalf. You can use a power of attorney to designate another person the legal right to do certain things for you. Those powers depend on the terms within the paperwork. A power of attorney may be very broad or very limited and specific.
Accidents can happen, and serious medical issues can arise at any time. Either can rob you of your ability to carry on your personal, financial matters, or medical affairs. Your loved ones may not know how you feel about medical treatment or end-of-life issues. They may experience conflict as they face having to manage your affairs and make decisions during difficult circumstances. Without clear and direct instructions, your desires may not be honored. At worst, a judge could be the one to decide should your family members end up in court battling over what each considers to be in your best interest. A power of attorney and other legal documents will ensure that those granted decision-making power know your wishes. The attorneys at ZAGERLAW, P.A., will help with all of your Florida Asset protection, trust, and last Will requirements.
Let us help you with your Estate Planning, Final Will, and Trusts needs in Fort Lauderdale, Florida!
To set up a free and completely confidential legal consultation, call our law offices today at (954) 888-8170