Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator
Mediation is a collaborative process requiring the utmost patience, care, attention, and knowledge. A good mediator will steer the conversation and the parties (even those engaged in a high conflict case) toward a mutually agreeable resolution. As a Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator, Joseph Zager is highly equipped and skilled in domestic relations mediation. Whether the issue involves child support, child custody, alimony, parental responsibility, or any combination of disputes, having a Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator is ideal.
Family law mediation requires a certain amount of legal knowledge, sensitivity, and know-how to provide viable solutions regarding child custody, child support, and property division. A good mediator knows how to look at an issue from all sides, suspend judgment, and offer objective support. Both parties benefit from the guidance of a mediator through the resolution process and receive valuable help navigating the challenging emotional terrain that so frequently accompanies conflict. Enlist the most capable, knowledgeable, and collaborative divorce mediation available to you — call ZAGERLAW, P.A.

Get the Best Family Law Mediation Services with ZAGERLAW, P.A.
To set up a free and confidential consultation, call us today at(954) 888-8170.

Divorce Mediation Florida – Resolve Your Conflicts Outside of Court
Mediation works. On a basic level, mediation is a dispute resolution method that involves a neutral third party who helps guide two opposing parties to reach a settlement that satisfies the objectives of both sides. The mediator can suggest options that both parties can consider, accept, or reject. Nothing is binding until (or unless) the parties reach and sign an agreement. Both parties and counsel can speak freely at mediation, and nothing said at a mediation (including offers exchanged) can ever come up later in the case or court. Domestic relations mediation, or divorce mediation can:
- Allow parties to understand the opposing point of view and be heard and understood themselves.
- Empower parties to determine whether and how they would like to resolve a situation.
- Avoid the delay of a third party or judicially decided outcome.
- Save an enormous amount of time, energy, and expense associated with protracted conflict and litigation.
- Provide comfort in knowing what transpires at a mediation can be kept confidential by agreement.

More People are Turning to Family Law Mediation
Family Law mediation brings control and power to families and parties as they deal with resolving conflict. The mediator assists with controlling the drama and allows parties to maintain control and ownership of their separation process. Our divorce mediation process has checks and balances that keep things on track and maintain clarity and fairness. Mediation is all about cooperation, especially when children are involved. An increasing number of parties and families are turning to domestic relations mediation for the countless benefits it offers. And when you have a capable and qualified mediator helping you, it makes everything go much quicker, easier, and with success.